There are often a few causes which can be overlooked an easily resolved when trying to place an order online. Have a look at our suggestions for troubleshooting below in the first instance as this may help clear up your query. Alternatively if you are still experiencing problems with placing your order please telephone us on 01980 611 116 to place your order and let us know exactly where you were experiencing an issue.

Check all mandatory fields

There are certain address fields that are required to be filled out as they are mandatory. Often these can be overlooked or missed. Scroll back up the page and see if any of the fields are highlighted in red/pink and correct these and you should be able to complete your checkout and proceed to payment.

Check you have filled out your address details correctly

There are certain address fields that are required to be filled out as they are mandatory. Checkout over your address details and make sure you have filled them out carefully and correctly. On screen notes should point you in the right direction to correcting these.

Have you selected the Terms & Conditions confirmation box?

At the bottom of the checkout pages below your order total is a tick box “I confirm that I have read and accepted the Terms & Conditions of this website” please ensure you have read our terms and conditions of sale and selected this tick box to confirm.