You can either place an order online, in-store or telephone us on 01980 611 116 for assistance.

Placing an order online:

  1. To place an order online simply browse our website either using the search facility or navigation menu until you find the product you want.
  2. Click the “add to basket” or “buy” button by the product you wish to purchase and it will be added to your basket.
  3. Go to your basket and click “To Checkout”.
  4. If you aren’t already logged into the website, you will be taken to a login page and see a dropdown which asks you to choose from the 3 following options:
    1. “I am an existing customer and I have a password”, – If you are an existing user and have a password select this option and then enter your email address and password. (If you have forgotten your password follow the onscreen instructions below the drop down options box to reset your password.)
    2. ” I am a new customer and wish to register”  – If you haven’t yet registered with the website and wish to do so select this option and then enter your email address and your chosen password twice and click “Register”.
    3. “I do not wish to register at this time” – If you just want to place your order as a guest without registering with the website at all, select this option. You will of course still need to enter your details to place your order for billing and shipping but these details will not be registered with the website or recorded for later use.
  5. Billing Address – Enter your billing details & address making sure not to forget to fill out all the mandatory fields required or alternatively if you have shopped with us before select an existing address from the dropdown list.
  6. Delivery Address – Select the tick box “Deliver to Billing Address” to say the shipping details are the same as the billing details or untick this and you will then be able to enter your new shipping address details or if you are logged in and have shopped with us before you can select a previously saved address from the dropdown.
  7. Add any order or delivery notes you want up to 200 characters maximum.
  8. Enter a voucher code if you have one and select “apply” to apply your voucher code discount.
  9. Select your delivery option otherwise standard delivery will be applied and shown.
  10. Review your order details and check everything is correct and tick the Terms & Conditions checkbox.
  11. Click the “Go to Payment” button to be taken to the safe & entirely secure SagePay payment pages where you will be asked to enter your credit card details over a safe & entirely secure connection.
  12. If you payment is successful you will be returned to the website and a confirmation message shown on screen.
  13. You will then also receive an email confirmation about your order. If you spot a mistake in any of the details within the order confirmation email please contact us on 01980 611 116 immediately.