'Famous Light Purple' is a compact, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial with broadly lance-shaped, dark green leaves and, in summer, large, dense panicles of fragrant, tubular, lilac-pink flowers with white eyes.
A medium-sized, bushy evergreen shrub, often spreading in growth. Leaves narrowly elliptic, shiny green above. Flowers to 7cm in width, pure white with conspicuous yellow stamens.
A female cultivar with glossy leaves heavily spotted with creamy-yellow; small purple flowers may be followed by glossy bright red berries if a male clone is nearby.
A medium-sized deciduous shrub of upright habit, to 3m in height.Leaves 5-12cm in length, lanceolate, purplish when young, turning rosy-pink in autumn.
A bushy evergreen shrub, with glossy dark green leaves divided into seven narrow leaflets. Clusters of highly scented white flowers are produced from pink buds in spring.
A dense, slow-growing, large evergreen shrub of rounded habit, to 3m, with dark green, ovate leaves 2.5-5cm in length & clusters of small, highly-scented white flowers, occasionally followed by a few black fruits.
A variable, evergreen, densely-branched, dome-shaped shrub, low & creeping or erect, from 0.5m to 7m in height (but typically up to 1.5m in cultivation), with slightly-aromatic, dark green, leathery, obovate to elliptic leaves.