Sale!API AccuClear water clarifier quickly clarifies cloudy water in your aquarium, eliminating haze to make your water crystal clear.
Sale!Seachem Discus Trace 250ml supplies a broad range of trace elements demonstrated to be necessary for proper ?sh health & growth.
Sale!Seachem Discus Buffer 250g helps to replicate the ideal Discus environment (low pH & low GH (General Hardness).Safe for all freshwater fish acclimated to acid pH.
Sale!Use when fish become lethargic, have clamped fins, are unstable in the water, hanging at the surface or lying on the bottom
Sale!Use when fish become lethargic, have clamped fins, stop eating & have red blotches on fins or under body.
Sale!Early diagnosis is essential to prevent the infection becoming fatal.Use when fish have red wounds, ulcers, missing scales, red blotches, rotting fins or eroded mouth tissue.
Sale!The adult has a complex life cycle which results in hundreds of free-swimming juveniles looking for a host fish to infest.
Sale!Certain species of parasites such as Trichodina, Costia, Oodinium & flukes can cause fish to produce a whitish mucus layer, known as velvet or slime disease.