Sale!No matter how good your filtration system, your aquarium may be bothered by minute particles which find their way through even the finest filter media.
Sale!Ammonia is a lethal toxic waste product excreted by fish; bacteria in biological filters usually breakdown the toxic Ammonia into less harmful compounds.
Sale!eSHa 2000 is designed to give a very wide range of treatment & cures an impressive amount (18+) of different fish diseases & symptoms.
Sale!eSHa EXIT distinguishes itself from other products by also treating ‘velvet’ disease (Oodinium), as well as ‘Ich’ parasites (Ichthyophthirius).
Sale!PROTALON 707 will eliminate all algae in your aquarium & should be used whenever algae problems are encountered!
Sale!Pro-Phyll improves plant growth & colour by providing your plants with all the essential nutrients.
Sale!eSHa Gastrobac is veterinary medicine for the treatment of bacterial slime disease on the skin & gills of tropical & coldwater fish.